Małgosia Karkosz is an Arteterapeutka / Creator of the Gruby Kot mobile art studio / Art Historian / Global and Ecological Educator / Ceramiczka / Farmer

Małgorzata works mainly for people at risk of social exclusion due to difficult life experiences, economic and mental barriers. She was a scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture in 2020, implementing nature and artistic project with young people. She studied Polish studies with a specialization in cultural studies at the Jagiellonian University and art history at the University of Warsaw. She was preparing for the profession of art therapist at the Academy of Social Skills at the Łowicka Cultural Center.

It creates educational activities for young people and adults, while implementing original programs based on the work of participants with their own potential, discovering the inner artist, developing creativity and meeting other creators, mainly in a group process.

According to Małgosia, therapeutic work means giving support and strengthening the positive aspects of the personality, taking care of the creative element, communication without violence and letting go of the pursuit of perfection. It is also a situation of involving the mind and body experience - that is why in group work he uses A. Lowen's bioenergetic analysis methods and movement exercises.

Małgosia completed an agricultural course and runs a backyard garden herself, and believes in a strong connection between humans and nature. She is also a ceramist, creating dishes and small sculptures. It reveals the potential of wild plants that we live with both in cities and in the countryside. She would like to establish a democratic school for young reality makers. He continues his education at the Polish Association of Bioenergetic Analysis, where he acquires the skills necessary to conduct psychotherapy.
